We Connect Franklin County Families
with Special Needs Resources

What we do

Disability Resource Connection, formerly known as the Franklin County SB40 Resource Board, provides support, resources and advocacy for individuals with disabilities and their caregivers, living in Franklin County. Under the Senate Bill 40 (SB40) legislation in 1987 the government organization was developed to connect services for persons with developmental disabilities with those in need. A board appointed by the County Commission is responsible for overall operations.


Eligibility is determined by the Department of Mental Health. A developmental disability includes intellectual disabilities, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Autism or a similar condition diagnosed before the age of 22; however, Disability Resource Connection will work with disabled persons throughout their lifetime. They work closely with the Missouri Department of Mental Health, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and Missouri First Steps.


How We Do It

Spread the Word

We estimate we are only serving a fraction of those in our community in need. Help us spread the word in Franklin County that we are here to help caretakers and individuals with disabilities connect with resources to help them.


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Service Coordinators attended MACDDS conference in October 2023 to continue to broaden their knowledge on services throughout the state of Missouri.

JULY 2022

March 1st 2023, Service Coordinators attended Disability Rights Legislation Day at the Missouri State Capitol.
March 1st 2023, Service Coordinators attended Disability Rights Legislation Day at the Missouri State Capitol.
March 1st 2023, Service Coordinators attended Disability Rights Legislation Day at the Missouri State Capitol.
On March 9, 2023, Franklin County SB40 Resource Board Executive Director met with Sen. Eric Schmitt’s Field Director and Representative, Morgan Corder and Chris Walker, to discuss the history of the SB40 legislation, individuals and families we serve in Franklin County, organizations the tax levy dollars support to provide services for persons with developmental disabilities in the county, service coordination program, and SB40 legislative priorities {threats and our asks}.