We want to hear from you!

The SB40 Board values input from our consumers,
parents, providers and other community members.

Office and Board Meeting Location:
1308 N. Church Street
Union, Missouri 63084
Board meetings are usually held on the 2nd Monday of each month, with the exception of July. Please see the resource tab for our next meeting.
Hours: 8:00am-4:30pm Monday-Friday

636-584-7240 or 1844-804-7240


Main line:  636-584-7240 or 1844-804-7240



Kimberlyn MacDonald,  Executive Director – ext. 1231

Rebecca Sinklear, Executive Assistant/Human Resources-ext. 1233

Amanda Sammet, Accountant – ext. 1214

Tammy Durham, Service Coordinator/Clerical Support-ext. 1205

Lynn Roetemeyer, Records Information Specialist/HIPAA Privacy Officer-ext. 1201

Alyson Pennock, Office Systems Coordinator – ext. 1230

Service Coordination

Diane White, Director of Service Coordination-ext. 1227

Cheri Hale, Assistant Director of Service Coordination – ext. 1602

Katie Richarz, Quality Assurance Manager-ext. 1501

Allison Treu, Service Coordinator – ext. 1289

Anna Bivens, Service Coordinator – ext. 1291

Ashley Holt, Service Coordinator- ext. 1604

Danielle Eairheart, Service Coordinator – ext.1236

Jessica Martinez, Service Coordinator-ext. 1203

Lisa Huff, Service Coordinator-ext. 1294

Lori Posey, Service Coordinator- ext. 1605

Mason Witte, Service Coordinator- ext. 1502

McKayla Andrews, Service Coordinator – ext. 1304

Patricia Baker, Service Coordinator-ext. 1275

Sandy Strausbaugh, Service Coordinator – ext. 1293

Shannon Riegel, Service Coordinator- ext. 1302

Shelby Miller, Service Coordinator – ext. 1301

Susan Dozier, Service Coordinator-ext. 1603

Tiffany Adams, Service Coordinator- ext. 1240